A "Ten-Series" for Somatic Sex Education

In the spring of 2016, I attended an online talk given by Joseph Kramer, founder of sexological bodywork.  Joseph was addressing a cohort of sexbod students (I was a student in the Level 2 training at that time), and he made a joke that at some point one of us would come up with the equivalent of Rolfing’s “Ten-Series.”  “That’s fucking brilliant!” I thought to myself.  Three and a half years later, I’m finally getting around to doing something with that idea.


Why a Ten-Series for somatic sex education?

So first, what the heck is the [Rolfing] Ten-Series?  “Designed by Dr. Ida Rolf, the ten-series is like a tune up for your body.  The ten-series is a systematic approach to aligning your structure; each session builds upon the last and prepares the body for the next.”  The goal of the series “is to systematically balance and optimize both the structure (shape) and function (movement) of the entire body over the course of ten Rolfing sessions.”


If we apply those ideas to somatic sex education, an SSE ten-series is a tune-up for your eroticism.  Techniques such as pelvic release massage and deep, embodied explorations of boundaries and consent bring balance to the structure of our erotic body, while tools including mindful masturbation and anal massage optimize the function of our eroticism and expand our capacities for pleasure.  And don’t we all want more pleasure?


Most of my clients come to me because something isn’t working for them erotically.  We discuss their goals, and I offer choices of exercises and techniques from the SSE toolbox that I believe will help them address “the thing” that brought them into my office, what will get them to their goal.  But what if nothings “not working”… you just wonder…shouldn’t this be more fun??  Could there be more to sex and pleasure?


The Somatic Sex Education Ten-Series is for you if:

·      You wonder if this is all there is to sex

·      You used to have a great relationship with your sexuality but have lately felt like you’re “in a rut”

·      You’re a survivor of sexual trauma who has done significant work towards your sexual healing and are ready to reclaim or create a thriving sexuality

·      You recently underwent medical treatment or took a medication that impacted your sexuality, and you’re not sure how to get your mojo back

·      You’ve always wanted to be that sexually empowered, juicy person but have no idea how to get there

·      You feel great about your sexuality…and you still want more!

·      You do have a sexual concern (such as difficulty orgasming or low arousal) but prefer the structure and progression of a “program” to the open-ended format of indefinite sessions


What does the ten-series look like?

The ten-series is a comprehensive exploration of sexuality and pleasure.  Each session in the series builds upon the next, honing your skills, deepening your embodiment, and increasing your capacity for pleasure.  Each session in the series is one hour long, with the exception of pelvic release massage, which is 90 minutes.  The progression of the series is as follows:


·      Introduction to Mindful Masturbation and Setting the Intention for Your Series

·      Somatic Awareness and the Practice of Pleasure

·      Understanding Your Core Erotic Theme and Peak Erotic Experiences

·      What You Want, Where and How You Want It: Boundaries and Consent

·      Welcome to Your Genitals: Anatomy and Body Image

·      Pelvic Release Massage

·      Expanding Your Repertoire of Touch

·      Anal Massage

·      Masturbation Witnessing

·      Erotic Massage Dancing

And while it technically could be considered an 11th session, the series concludes with a 30 minute online closing call to celebrate and integrate your newfound erotic skills and capacities.


Over the next few weeks I’ll be publishing brief posts about the concepts behind each of the sessions in the series.  If you don’t want to wait, you can read about the why and how of Mindful Masturbation practice HERE and HERE.


If offered at full price, the SSE ten-series would cost almost $1600.  But since this is a brand new program, I’m offering it at a special price of $1349.  I currently have availability in my schedule for three people to begin this journey to optimize their eroticism.  Are you one of them?

If you’re ready to rev up your sex life and start feeling more pleasure now, email me at farabaugh.shauna@gmail.com to schedule your free consultation and find out if the SSE ten-series is right for you.