Upcoming Classes and Events
Photo by Dustin Humes on Unsplash
Four Aspects of DesirE
Nov 9 - Dec 7, 2021, 7:15-8:45pm PT
Picture it. A touch exchange between you and your partner. Two people. And if you’re like most people…probably not a lot of talking. Looks pretty simple. But under the surface, so much is happening.
What do you really want? Can you ask for it? What if they say no? What if you don’t want to do what they want to do? What if you don’t know what you want to do?
In any two-person touch interaction, there are actually four possible roles that we each could play. I think of them as Four Aspects of Desire. We all naturally gravitate to one role with more ease and comfort, and we can all build comfort and fluency in the other roles to expand our erotic capacities and the possibilities of what we can experience with our partners.
Join me for a 4-week series to become fluent in the Four Aspects of Desire. This course, based on Dr. Betty Martin’s “Wheel of Consent,” is designed for you and your partner to take together, to build the skills you need to connect more deeply, authentically and pleasurably.
The “Wheel of Consent” is one of my favorite tools. In addition to helping us to recognize our desires, this tool is a game-changer for sexual communication. It also has a phenomenal impact on quality of touch. Turns out, when we learn how to trust and value our own impulses, our touch feels better to our partners.
The course meets online via zoom on Tuesday evenings from 7:15-8:45pm PT, November 9 – December 7, 2021 (no class on November 23). The cost for the entire course is only $250 per couple.
Portions of the class will be large group discussions, where I share information and instruction or we reflect on the experiences we had in the exercises, but much of the class will be an opportunity for you to explore the exercises and practices I offer with your partner one-on-one (privately in break-out rooms).
The touch exercises in the course are non-erotic, so you never have to worry about coming back to the large group for discussion sweaty and disheveled. We build capacity with the skills using non-erotic touch in the workshop, and they naturally generalize to erotic touch (on your own time) as your comfort and fluency increases. In fact, if you’re not partnered, you are welcome to take the class with a friend or housemate. We all need touch—that includes non-sexual touch!—and this course is a great way to reconnect to our bodies, our desires and our ability to connect with others after the impacts of the pandemic, lockdowns and social distancing. Many of us are experiencing a touch deficit, and this course is a fantastic way to begin to address that.
So what do you think? Are you ready to enjoy sex more, connect more deeply with your partner, gain invaluable insights into your own eroticism and nourish your own need for touch? Registration is limited. Click here to reserve your place now. And don’t hesitate to contact me with any questions or concerns. I hope you can join me!
Location: Online via zoom.
Cost: $250 per couple/pair. Register HERE.
practice pleasure!
thursday, august 20, 2020, 9am
Presented as part of the Feminine Frequency Festival.
Missed the festival? It’s not too late! Enjoy the recording of this 30 minute mini-workshop where I introduce three simple practices you can start using immediately to start feeling more pleasure NOW and increase your capacity for pleasure over time. Click HERE to watch.
Location: Online
Cost: Free!